Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Array formula to return true across multiple dates combined with if “sepecific text”= true

I am trying a formula that is sets out dates for a week and lists jobs on each day based on the days they are booked in. the array formula is designed to look up data on my current sheet (cell A1) on a separate sheet based on the date in a specific column.

I have 2 columns determining these dates the first to set the start (first day)
and the second finish date (last day). I also want all dates in between to return first and last day to return true. I also need a third condition to be met which will be if text in another column is the same as the formula dictates “text”

This Formula is intended to be used on a sheet other than sheet one…

BUT!!! its not working ЁЯЩБ can someone help me please, maybe its the “AND” function or the order
I have my conditions??