Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Bash run maven program in different directory

I have a problem. I am new with bash scripts, but I am trying to make a startup script for my java maven project. When I want to start the program I run the following command in a terminal:
cd /var/script/myproject/java && mvn exec:java

Now I am trying to translate this to bash, but I can’t get it to work. First I tried the following line:

exec cd /var/script/myproject/java && mvn exec:java

But this resulted in the error:

/var/script/myproject/java_toggle.sh: line 6: exec: cd: not found

Then I saw this site: https://www.baeldung.com/linux/cd-command-bash-script
where I saw that they used the cd command seperatly, so I tried the following:

cd /var/script/myproject/java 
exec mvn exec:java

But this doesn’t seem to change the directory of the exec, because it said that there was no maven project. How can I run mvn exec:java in a different directory as the bash script? Please let me know!