My FTTH ONT and its associated wifi router (UK Voda) are currently in separate rooms, linked by Devolo powerline adapters. This is because the ONT location on an external wall an one end of the house is no good for whole-house wifi coverage from the router.
They are currently the only two devices using the powerline system.
I would like to extend my wired LAN to an outbuilding (on same electrical circuit and already known to work with the powerline kit from a previous use case) and if possible want to use an additional powerline adapter to do this – obviously ensuring the LAN itself is actually fed to the powerline system, which it is not at present.
My concern is that the “ONT to Router” connection and the LAN will not coexist happily on the same powerline system. Is this concern warranted? i.e. will I need to physically relocate the router to the same place as the ONT and patch them together directly, and keep the powerline system for the LAN only?
Hope that makes sense.