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Can Windows games run well in VMWare Fusion 12?

I’m trying to play Steam games in VMWare Fusion 12 player, on MacOS 11.6, from Bootcamp partition with Windows 10. I’m having problems, and wondering if there are options to improve the experience.

I get an error window appearing often when I run Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. But Oblivion otherwise runs, as it did in Fusion 10. (I used to get this error in Fusion 10, too.)

Error from Windows about OpenGL driver

I tried to run Dishonored, but it freezes. Title graphics play but the start screen with 3D content stalls, even the audio doesn’t work.

My guess is that games are not going to work, and that the 3D support is primarily intended for running 3D authoring tools. But maybe someone else has had better luck.

Of course I can simply boot into Windows, but can’t help but be curious about this. 3D obviously works sometimes. They claim to support up to OpenGL 4.1 and DirectX 11, so I thought old games would all run smoothly. So is it my setup, or is this normal?