I am currently running Debian 12.5
I used the instructions found here to install GNS3
How to install GNS3 on Debian12
Although it was an initial success. I am finding that in order to run GNS3, I have to open a terminal and login with my root account. Navigate to my home directory as root to create a virtual environment and then activate that environment before opening GNS3. So it looks like this:
Then create a Python virtual environment using:
python3 -m venv gns3env
Then activate the virtual environment using:
source gns3env/bin/activate
before I get a (gns3env) $ prompt in which I can type in GNS3 and then the program will open.
I have added myself to the sudoers group to make sure that wasn’t an issue. I’m unsure how to setup GNS3 so that I don’t have to do this each time to open it as root, which isn’t the best of ideas anyway.
Thank you for your time.