So as I said, I am trying to see my website while others see it in maintenance.
BTW I have Varnish configured.
What I did:
magento maintenance:enable --ip=
What hapened:
At first I was able to see only frontend from excluded IP, but admin was regular “Service temporary unavailable” page.
Than I red about maintenance.flag in
and how it is what causes maintenance mode. So I deleted it to deactivate maintenance and again created it with touch. After that frontend was also unavailable from my excluded IP.
- nginx
- magento 2.3.3
- mariadb 10.*
- php 7.2
- Varnish [latest as of today]
I followed official magento 2 installation guide along with this for setup of varnish and letsencrypt.
I gathered from other questions that it is problem with varnish and it can be fixed with forwarding headers, but not sure how to do this on Nginx server.