Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Changes on backend does not reflect to store

I am running Magento 2.3.2.

For about two weeks now in several parts of Magento when our team makes changes via backend it does not reflect on website. Testing multiple stuff we found out that sometimes we have to change to store 1 view and apply the change, then it works.

Things I have to make clear to help finding a solution:

  • We do not run multiple stores yet, but Magento is set up for multiple store;

  • Our “super technical team” (lol) makes lots of changes via Magmi (direct database) and backend and mistakes are constantly done.

I believe that some change has been done without telling me and I have to set back a relation that was broken, but I don´t know how. Help 🙂

Thanks !!!

Gustavo Ulyssea