Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Comparison Operator in Powershell

I have a script that is currently working. There are two groups that need to be omitted from the CSV that is exported. As it currently sits it works. see below:

Import-Csv -Path .importactiveusers.csv | ForEach-Object{

$user = get-aduser -Identity $_.samaccountname -Properties name, samaccountname, memberof

if ($user.memberof.count -gt 1) {
    foreach ($group in $user.MemberOf -notlike "*groupname*") {
        $user | select name, samaccountname,@{n='User Group';e={($_.memberof -like “*Certifiers-*” - 
        replace '^CN=(?.*?),(?:OU|CN).*$', '${Name}' -join ', ')}}, @{n='group';e={$group - 
        replace '^CN=(?.*?),(?:OU|CN).*$', '${Name}' -join ', '}}, @{n='Group Description';e= 
        {(Get-ADGroup $group -Properties description).description}},@{n='Date of File';e={(Get-date - 
       format M/d/yyy)}}
       }| Export-Csv -path 'C:UsersadiazADUserAccessList.csv' -NoTypeInformation

in the foreach line I have -notlike “groupname” i need to ad another group name to his that gets omitted. But when I do it does not return any results. What would be teh best way to go about this?