Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Copy audio files from multiple subfolders to another folder using List.txt file

I want to copy audio files from several folders to another folder using the txt files with the names of the songs.
I’m trying, in poweshell, the command below posted on the link:

$FileList = Get-Content 'G:MusicsSelect PartyList.txt'
$BaseSrc = 'G:MusicsSelect Party'
$BaseDst = 'G:MusicsSelect PartyCopy Musics'

ForEach ($File in $FileList){
   ForEach ($Find in (Get-ChildItem $BaseSrc$File -File -Recurse)) {
       $DestFile = Join-Path $BaseDst ($Find.FullName.Replace($BaseSrc,'') )
       $DestDir = Split-Path $DestFile
       If (!(Test-Path $DestDir)){ MD $DestDir |Out-Null}
       # "Copying {0} to {1}" -f $Find.FullName,$DestFile
       Copy-Item $Find.FullName $DestFile

List.txt file contents:

Good Times (Dj 'S' Bootleg  
Get Down On It (Soul Funk House Remi  
You Should Be Dancing (The Reflex Au  
Got To Be Real (Dj 'S' Bootleg Exten  
Heart Of Glass (The Reflex Revision)  
Let's Groove (Digital Visions 2015 R

The command runs for a few seconds, but does not copy anything to the Copy Musics folder. Both the List.txt file and the destination folder are in the same directory as the folder with the Songs to be copied. Note: The list contains part of the song names without the extension.

Powershell version: 5.1.19041.1645