Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Copy several files listed in a text file to a new folder when list file contain different paths

I would like to copy several files (with different paths) in one folder.
I tried this solution explained here page of example on stackexchange
but when I run the file (I choosed .bat file) I have “0 file copied” like that:
screen capture 0 file copied

here is some example of my list.txt :

T:/audio/enregistrements/2023-03-mars/maroc_2023/msd6/20230324_0454_0627_ailes oiseau et cris oiseau indetermine cala iris sentier maroc_35.1287,-4.3661_MKH8020_AB_230324_014.WAV
T:/audio/enregistrements/2023-03-mars/maroc_2023/msd6/20230324_0627_0801_ailes mesange guepier europe et chien ou loup cala iris sentier maroc_35.1287,-4.3661_MKH8020_AB_230324_015.WAV
T:/audio/enregistrements/2023-03-mars/maroc_2023/msd2/20230323_0551_0724_bruant fou fauvette melanocephale ailes pigeon ramier cala iris Maroc_35.1290,-4.3661_MKH8040_ORTF__Z_F3_230323_009.WAV
T:/audio/enregistrements/2023-03-mars/maroc_2023/msd1/20230401_0745_0918_alouette lulu_ifrane Maroc_33.5174,-5.1753_MKH8020_AB230401_014_best best mais avec vent.WAV
T:/audio/enregistrements/2023-03-mars/maroc_2023/nagra/20230401_0954_alouette lulu ifrane maroc_33.5152,-5.1763_telinga dpa 4060 nagra7_Pichard20230401094912_002_best_best.wav

my script.bat is into T:audioenregistrements2023-03-marsmaroc_2023 folder. It contains that :

@echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('type "T:audioenregistrements2023-03-marsmaroc_2023list.txt"') do xcopy /hrkvy "%%a" "T:audiocreation_sonoreprojet maroccomplement"

I’m sure folder T:audiocreation_sonoreprojet maroccomplement exist.But there is also nothing in “complement” folder..

what could be the problem please ?