Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Create a HTTPS Tunnel to avoid network hard limitations

Here is my problem :
At work, if I don’t want to use my phone for everything I use the provided connection to the internet, that goes through a network that has strict restrictions : basically all protocols besides HTTPS are blocked. It’s been a hassle and has prevented me to work efficiently several times, but despite my complaints to the administration the rules are nowhere near changing.

So what I am thinking I could do :
Create a HTTPS Tunnel to a personal computer at my place (Raspberry pi I just acquired) to be able to do anything I can do from my place.
The computer I use between my work and my home runs on macOS.

  1. Are there people here that would know if channeling all my connections through such a tunnel could be done (like using a proxy) ?
  2. Do you have a better idea ? (Yes I thought about using a VPN, or a SSH connection, but those protocols are blocked too)

1.st Challenge : I don’t know thing one about Tunnels

2.nd Challenge : Connecting the Raspberry Pi at my place to be securely accessible from outside my home network.

Thank you already for enlightening me.