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Cron files copied directly into /var/spool/cron/crontabs do not execute

Copying a crontab file directly into /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<username> does not schedule the job for execution.

crontab -l shows the file contents, so cron is at least somewhat aware of it. But it never gets executed.

If I edit with crontab -e and make a meaningless change, then cron somehow gets notified and all is well.

Is there a programmatic way to achieve the same effect?

Referring to this question, I have tried these commands with no luck:

sudo service cron reload
sudo service cron restart
sudo /etc/init.d/cron force-reload

P.S. Yes, I know copying a crontab file directly into /var/spool is not the usual way to do things. This is part of a larger task of setting up new cookie-cutter aws ec2 ubuntu instances via docker, and I want them to come “pre-loaded” with specific crontabs.