I’m stuck with creating simple payment method. It is displayed in admin panel but not on frontend.
In Chrome developer tools I get errors on frontend that are displayed on pictures below:
It seems to me, that corresponding file is not deployed into pub/static folder, though I cleared pub/static and generated directories manualy and then ran bin/magento setup:upgrade, bin/magento setup:di:compile, bin/magento setup:static-content deploy -f. And flushed cache finally.
My Payment method is just a copypasta from this source: Meetanshi Payment Method
My method-renderer.js file:
function (
) {
'use strict';
type: 'custompayment',
component: 'Meetanshi_CustomPayment/js/view/payment/method-renderer/custompayment'
return Component.extend({});
Thank You in advance!
P.S. Also I’m using custom Magento_Checkout module. Maybe this is the reason?