Currently, Magento 2.2.7 is showing the discount amount in the invoice and orders, if coupon gets applied. But I need to show the discount amount also for a specially priced product. Suppose if any coupon gets applied, the discount should be the sum of applied coupon discount amount + special […]
Daily Archives: January 22, 2020
I am trying to understand functionality of plugin method. for that i have created a custom module and i added below code in di.xml and model class code is namespace AdhikariStudyPluginModel; class StudyPlugin extends MagentoFrameworkModelAbstractModel { public function getName($name){ return $name; } } after that my plugin method code is […]
I need to remove products from the order, after which, removed products can be added to the order $backOrdersIds = array(); $this->getQuote()->getItemsCount(); foreach ($this->getQuote()->getAllItems() as $item) { $oldQty = (int)$item->getProduct()->getStockItem()->getQty(); $qtyOrdered = (int)$item->getQty(); $differenceQty = $oldQty - $qtyOrdered; //remove backorder items from Quote Mage::log('first foreach' . $item->getProductId()); if($differenceQty < = […]
I’ve been working in a tool that doesn’t let me just use a Regex, so I have to use a RegexReplace to get rid of everything else. I’ve found a disgusting work around, but I think someone here can help me make an elegant solution. So I’m trying to find […]
I’ve recently been playing around with the Predecessor/Successor relationship between user stories within a feature; an example would be, I have to complete the “The widget list needs to be grouped into a tree-view by location” before I can work on “Add my cool new widget into the ‘Manager Office’ […]
I have posted my 2 issues on website TenForums as well, so I will be referring you guys to those 2 threads to read my problems in detail. 1. 2. (Specification Information is provided via a screenshot from website TenForums) If you need additional information, tell me and I […]
Pings from a server in Hong Kong to NYC is 200ms+. I know I can’t change that much as I’d be breaking the laws of physics. I have a 100mbit connected ubuntu server in Hong Kong and I want to access it in NYC. The download speed on the server […]
My Windows version is Win10 Pro build 18363 version 1909. I want to use WSL2 but it requires build 18917 and I don’t know if there is a way to update to that build without activating the Windows Insider program and I don’t want to add the computer to the […]