Python is arguably the programming language nowadays. We’ll explore why that might be the case, what the current trends within the Python community are, and what packages and tools you might want to get acquainted with if you don’t want to be left behind. If you were pondering what programming […]
Daily Archives: January 24, 2020
PHP 7.2.27: PHP 7.3.14: submitted by /u/pgl [link] [comments]
I am running into an issue where I have about 1000 products in a category. I have it sorted by price as the default. When I go to the page, it is showing the price order correctly, only, there are products missing, about 800 products to be exact. however if […]
I have a controller that only executes once after the cache is cleared. After that the response is always the same – cache is there instead of a new execution. The class is extendsMagentoFrameworkAppActionAction: class Index extends MagentoFrameworkAppActionAction What can I do inside this controller to get rid of the […]
I have been receiving this error for a while in the exception.log. It links to Framework/Data/Structure.php /** * Create new element * * @param string $elementId * @param array $data * @return void * @throws LocalizedException if an element with this id already exists */ public function createElement($elementId, array $data) […]
I have the following block of code that gets all active catalog rules: $catalog_rule_collection = $objectManager ->create('MagentoCatalogRuleModelRuleFactory') ->create() ->getCollection() ->addFieldToFilter('simple_action', 'by_percent') ->addIsActiveFilter(1); ->addFieldToFilter('simple_action', 'by_percent') filters results to catalog rules with a percentage discount. ->addIsActiveFilter(1) filters results to only activated catalog rules. This simply retrieves table data from the catalogrule table. […]
I’m a new hired developer for a company that is using Magento CE as their CMS. I’m trying to set up a local development environment and it’s telling me that I have to be authorized user on Magento Cloud account. When I log in to our Magento Cloud Account it […]