I’m trying to use jquery in an adminhtml js file…but it seems not to be working and can’t get to understand why…any help would be appreciated ! Layout is like <head> <script src="Vendor_Module::js/logger.js"/> </head> Js file is like define([ 'jquery' ], function ($) { 'use strict'; }); But this throw […]
Daily Archives: October 9, 2022
From stripe sdk I am able to create payment id successfully but when call api to create order in magento2 then getting authentication error. I am calling below API http://localhost/xxx/rest/default/V1/carts/mine/payment-information with below body { "paymentMethod": { "method": "stripe_payments", "additional_data": { "cc_stripejs_token": "pm_1LqgYeSIs8FpUNNkeMFrz05K" } }, "billing_address": { "email": "abc@gmail.com", "region": "New […]
In my Magento 2.4.5 open source store, bulk update attributes are not working. Cron is running, and it appears everything else is running fine. Emails are being sent out for example. I have this code in app/etc/env.php: 'cron_consumers_runner' => [ 'cron_run' => true, 'max_messages' => 10000, 'consumers' => [ ] […]
With the code below, I’m trying to instantiate an helper class from my custom module. // Sanitize the $_GET[] value // Create an object of the order loaded with the $order_id passed as query string. $orderId = htmlspecialchars($_GET["order_id"]); $order = $objectManager->create('MagentoSalesModelOrder')->loadByIncrementID($orderId); // Instantiate app/code/Perfectmakeupmirrors/Order/Helper/Data.php // call assemble_order_info(Order $order) $helper = […]
When I run “composer install or “composer update” command from my magento 2.4.5 root folder I am getting this error. - Installing laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin (2.4.0): Extracting archive PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar" not found in /public_html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/registration.php:9 Stack trace: #0 /public_html/app/etc/NonComposerComponentRegistration.php(29): require_once() #1 [internal function]: MagentoNonComposerComponentRegistration{closure}() #2 /public_html/app/etc/NonComposerComponentRegistration.php(31): array_map() #3 […]
I have started unlocking Bitlocker in a system but due to huge data in my 1TB external HDD, unlocking didn’t completed in available time. I had to leave that system and now that particular system is not accessible. When try to open and unlock the drive in another system it […]
I recently built a desktop computer with the following parts: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X CPU ASRock AM4/X570M Pro4 mother board Intel AX210 wifi/bluetooth card. It’s mounted on a M2 slot I’m on Archlinux. Everything works well but the network card. The card is recognized, but neither the wifi nor the […]
I install linux mint and completely delete windows 10 and associated files. Now the problem is I can’t mount my file system as it’s displaying that my computer is in hybernet state. I don’t know how to shut it off completely because I am running on linux and can’t boot […]
How do I setup an overlay network spanning 2 physical hosts? Here is my network infrastracture in question. I’d like to be able to provision multiple VM’s via OpenNebula and setup a different subnet for those guests. From my understanding I should use OpenVSwitch to create bridges with physical interfaces […]