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Daily Archives: April 21, 2023
I have added NOINDEX, and NOFOLLOW meta tags to the /catalogsearch page to remove already indexed pages from search engine indexes. However, I still have trouble removing indexed results for the /review URL. The review section is located within the product page, so there is no specific URL for the […]
Magento 2.4.4 The checkout does a reload after every character I enter in the ZIP or phone field. I tried finding a setting to disable this, but could not find any. Is there a way to stop reloading after every keyup? Thanks
I create a countdown banner on the homepage. I am storing from date and to date in the system.xml. I want to show the countdown between the dates From date to To date. Can anybody guide me How can I do this? I successfully create a static time. But want […]
my catalog_category_view.xml </body> my custom_attribte.phtml getProduct(); $attrData = $product->getData(‘feature’); $blockTitle = $this->getData(‘title’); if ($attrData !== “”) : ?> <div class="product-full-width-section"> <h2 class="product-section-title"><?= $blockTitle; ?></h2> <?php echo $attrData; ?> </div>
Lokesh/CatalogExtended/etc/di.xml <?xml version="1.0" ?> <type name="MagentoCatalogBlockProductProductListToolbar"> <plugin disabled="false" name="Lokesh_CatalogExtended_Block_Toolbar" sortOrder="10" type="LokeshCatalogExtendedPluginCatalogBlockToolbar"/> </type> <type name="MagentoCatalogModelConfig"> <plugin disabled="false" name="Lokesh_CatalogExtended_Model_Config" sortOrder="11" type="LokeshCatalogExtendedPluginCatalogModelConfig"/> </type> </config> Lokesh/CatalogExtended/Plugin/Catalog/Block/Toolbar.php namespace LokeshCatalogExtendedPluginCatalogBlock; class Toolbar { public function aroundSetCollection( MagentoCatalogBlockProductProductListToolbar $subject, Closure $proceed, $collection ) { $currentOrder = $subject->getCurrentOrder(); $result = $proceed($collection); if ($currentOrder) { if ($currentOrder == 'high_to_low') […]
I have a laptop with fingerprint. It’s running Windows 10. I want to install another Windows in a VM in virtualbox and want to protect the data in that VM of virtualbox. Virtualbox provides password protection feature for VM. But I want to go passwordless / I want to use […]
A have a Tenda AC9 (AC1200) and I can not change the date that appear on time settings, a do not have any manual changes or automatic internet one to synchronize, so this problem started 1 day ago and it appear like in title. I reset and reboot the router […]
I’m updating a website that’s just gone live and am trying to work out a way to ensure that all users see the change reflected on pages – I’ve found that the only surefire way to get changes to be reflected is to have the user force reload the page, […]