magento2.4.5 CE Before generating the order, I need to call the erp third-party system to verify whether the inventory is satisfied and whether the product is removed from the shelves. How should I operate
Daily Archives: January 21, 2024
We are using PWA venia theme 2.4.5. We are trying to add a button below ADD TO WISHLIST in PDP Page We tried the below code . but we are not seeing any button. { isMobile && ( <div className={classes.cartActionButton}> <div className="px-3 h-[46px] m-auto w-full"> {cartActionContent} <Suspense fallback={null}> <WishlistButton {...wishlistButtonProps} […]
I need help with that if i want to install module i get error after make command php bin/upgrade SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘GHMZ_AMASTY_AMCHKT_FIELD_ATTR_ID_GHMZ_EAV_ATTR_ATTR_ID’, query was: ALTER TABLE ghmz_amasty_amcheckout_field MODIFY COLUMN id smallint(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT “Entity ID”, MODIFY COLUMN attribute_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED […]
I have the following needs I synchronized the products of occ system to magento2.4.5 CE, and when synchronizing the ladder prices of products, the ladder prices were multi-currency. magento2 does not use its own currency settlement rules. And I found that the magento2 ladder price defaults to USD as the […]
hi i have prblem if i want to make command compile Interceptors generation… 4/8 [=============>————] 50% 19 secs 324.0 MiB In Generator.php line 139: Class MagentoCatalogModelConfigLayerCategoryConfig does not exist Class MirasvitSearchModelLayerFilterListInterceptor generation error: The requested class did not generate properly, because the ‘generated’ directory permission is read-o nly. If — […]
I have a table where new columns and rows of data will be added, but I want to do some calculations where certain intersections in this table have to be accessed. since the positions shift all the time, I do that with INDEX(MATCH("RowName";"RowWithColumnNames";0) . The entries in the first first […]
For example, occasionally Oracle Java will randomly lock the screen and ask for elevated permissions to try to install an update. This is extremely annoying when I’m flying a glider online in Condor in VR and the VR suddenly blanks out until this dialog is addressed. Is there a way […]
After a couple hours of trying everything I could, I’m posting the question here. I’m trying to run this python script which uses chromium in order to execute. I got it all installed, and I’m just now trying to run the script and login, but it keeps saying it […]
I want to have a custom multilevel list that has leading incremental values as I specify them. So for example, for headings with the ‘Heading 1’ style, instead of 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading I want it to increment like AB Heading MN Heading XY Heading The ‘Heading 2’ […]