I tried getting the checkout fields attributes which are included with the Swissup Firecheckout … the developer said its possible with $order->getExtensionAttributes();. So I created some throw away code to test, like this: $orderId = 12345; $objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance(); $order = $objectManager->create('MagentoSalesModelOrderRepository')->get($orderId); var_dump($order->getExtensionAttributes()); // does NOT work var_dump($order->getIncrementId()); // does […]
Daily Archives: January 30, 2024
I’m trying to update some products using the import file. I Realized that one attribute is not updating. I noticed this attributes is backend_type = static. This is related to the problem or can be something else? Thanks!
I’m trying to override the next files: vendor/magento/module-backend/Block/Dashboard/Sales.php vendor/magento/module-reports/Model/ResourceModel/Order/Collection.php What path I need to create in a Module to override those files? I tried app/code/Vendor/Module/Block/Dashboard/Sales.php app/code/Vendor/Module/Magento_Backend/Block/Dashboard/Sales.php app/code/Vendor/Module/Model/ResourceModel/Order/Collection.php app/code/Vendor/Module/Model/Magento_Reports/ResourceModel/Order/Collection.php none work. Thanks
I have added a custom block below the Order Grand Total at Cart and Checkout pages. That block contains some additional totals information that is calculated on run-time based on the grand total amount. The problem I am facing is, that custom block is not getting updated when the totals […]
I was wondering how I can find the full path to a component/form field on the checkout? For instance, let’s say I wanted to add some custom validation to a new field I have added on the checkout (within the shipping methods block). I know I need to add the […]
For example when you forget to put sudo before “systemctl …” insted of gui interface poping out I want a curses prompt in my termial. Something like pinentry but for sudo.
I’m trying to backup my mac home folder to my current ssd drive through recovery mode. I am planning on saving data and then cleaning the drive so that my mac can hopefully work again. When I’m trying to copy my home folder to my ssd drive using terminal through […]
I’m trying to debug a problem with my Authelia acting as an OIDC provider. A Gitea instance tries to connect to https://auth.mydomain.com/.well-known/openid-configuration and fails with a timeout. When I run curl within the Gitea Docker container and also directly on the Debian server it’s running on, I get curl: (28) […]
I currently have an Excel row on a Summary Tab that is pulling information from a separate tab. (=”Hood 1′!G12) is an example of one of the cells. Since there are over 800 cells in the row, I’m looking at copying the entire row exactly how it is, except replacing […]