Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Debian apt-get update 404 not found error

My Raspberry pi 3 is having problems. When I try to run apt-get update, I get a 404 not found error. I am very new to Linux and I am not sure what is wrong.

Here is the error code:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get update
Ign http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org jessie InRelease
Ign http://archive.raspbian.org jessie InRelease
Hit http://archive.raspberrypi.org jessie InRelease                            
Ign http://archive.raspbian.org jessie Release.gpg                             

W: Failed to fetch http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/jessie/rpi/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ 

My /etc/apt/sources.list file looks like this:

deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie main contrib non-free rpi
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
deb-src http://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie main contrib non-free rpi

My /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list file looks like this:

deb http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ jessie main ui
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
deb-src http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ jessie main ui

Please help!!! I can provide more information if necessary…

Note: Chromium, ping (from bash shell) is working.

Note: The sites that were not able to be fetched are not reachable from another computer using the same wifi, (nor on the raspberry pi 3) e.g. http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/jessie/non-free/binary-armhf/Packages gives a 404 Not Found Error.

https://superuser.com/a/1133746/1498871 Has something about a EOL Debian version… Is this my problem?

I have tried a few of the Super User posts on this topic, but none of the solutions that I have tried have worked…

Raspbian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie) is the descriptor line from lsb_release -a.