Working on Magento 2.4.3
I am adding a product programmatically and so far it seems to work. The only thing what I am facing is, that Default Stock under Salable Quantity is not shown. See screenshot:
If I open the product and just save it without changing something, “Default Stock: 30” is shown as it should.
So, something is missing in my code for creating a new product, but I do not know what.
I am using the classes:
MagentoCatalogModelProduct $product,
MagentoCatalogModelProductCopier $copier
Here the code I am using:
$product = $this->product->load(143); // ein Biku termin kopieren
$productcopy = $this->copier->copy($product);
array (
'use_config_manage_stock' => 0,
'manage_stock' => 1,
'is_in_stock' => 1,
'qty' => 30,
'stock_id' => 1
Any idea what is missing?
Hi Mohit,
yes, I can. Here is the full code.
There is more in it, as I add as well a new swatch and assign it to the new product and make the link to the assosiated configurable product. This is all working fine, except of the “Default Stock” issue as shown before. There are a couple of injections in the class which are not needed at the end. THis is because I tried a couple of ways to do what I want. One more information: it is a controller called in the backend of Magento.
namespace JscDesignCouponControllerAdminhtmlEventList;
class Save extends MagentoBackendAppAction
protected $eavConfig;
protected $attributeOptionInterfaceFactory;
protected $attributeOptionManagement;
protected $customFactory;
protected $adapterFactory;
protected $uploader;
protected $product;
protected $copier;
protected $productRepository;
protected $productLinkFactory;
protected $productFactory;
protected $linkmanagement;
protected $stockRegistryInterface;
public function __construct(
MagentoBackendAppActionContext $context,
JscDesignCouponModelCustomFactory $customFactory,
MagentoEavModelConfig $eavConfig,
MagentoEavApiDataAttributeOptionInterfaceFactory $attributeOptionInterfaceFactory,
MagentoCatalogApiProductAttributeOptionManagementInterface $attributeOptionManagement,
MagentoCatalogModelProduct $product,
MagentoCatalogModelProductCopier $copier,
MagentoCatalogApiProductRepositoryInterface $productRepository,
MagentoCatalogModelProductLinkLinkFactory $productLinkFactory,
MagentoCatalogApiDataProductInterfaceFactory $productFactory,
MagentoConfigurableProductModelLinkManagement $linkmanagement,
MagentoCatalogInventoryApiStockRegistryInterface $stockRegistryInterface
) {
$this->customFactory = $customFactory;
$this->eavConfig = $eavConfig;
$this->attributeOptionInterfaceFactory = $attributeOptionInterfaceFactory;;
$this->attributeOptionManagement = $attributeOptionManagement;
$this->product = $product;
$this->copier = $copier;
$this->productRepository = $productRepository;
$this->productLinkFactory = $productLinkFactory;
$this->productFactory = $productFactory;
$this->linkmanagement = $linkmanagement;
$this->stockRegistryInterface= $stockRegistryInterface;
public function execute()
$data = $this->getRequest()->getPostValue();
try {
$model = $this->customFactory->create();
"event_name" => $data['event_name'],
"event_date" => $data['event_date'],
$saveData = $model->save();
$this->messageManager->addSuccess( __('Event erfolgreich hinzugefügt!') );
}catch (Exception $e) {
$newDate = date("d.m.Y",strtotime($data['event_date']));
// Neuen Swatch in Atrribut termin eintragen
// Hier das Datum des Events
// Frage ob BIKU oder BTAG
if( strstr( $data['event_name'], 'Bierkulinarische') )
$product = $this->product->load(151); // ein Biku termin kopieren
$productcopy = $this->copier->copy($product);
$this->newProduct( $productcopy, 'ABIKUT-'.$newDate, 'Bierkulinarische Führung-'.$newDate, 30, $newDate);
// Neues Produkt als Variation zum Produkt ABIKUT hinzufügen
$this->linkmanagement->addChild('ABIKUT', 'ABIKUT-'.$newDate);
if( strstr( $data['event_name'], 'Brauer') )
$product = $this->product->load(156); // ein Biku termin kopieren
$productcopy = $this->copier->copy($product);
$this->newProduct( $productcopy, 'ABTAGT-'.$newDate, 'Brauer für einen Tag-'.$newDate, 30, $newDate);
// Neues Produkt als Variation zum Produkt ABTAGT hinzufügen
$this->linkmanagement->addChild('ABTAGT', 'ABTAGT-'.$newDate);
public function processAttributes($newOption)
$attribute = $this->eavConfig->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'termin');
$this->registerOption($attribute->getId(), $newOption);
private function registerOption($attributeCode, $label)
$option = $this->attributeOptionInterfaceFactory->create();
return $this->attributeOptionManagement->add(
public function newProduct( $product, $sku, $name, $qty, $newSwatch)
$swatch = $newSwatch;
$product_resource = $product->getResource();
$swatch_attribute = $product_resource->getAttribute('termin');
if ($swatch_attribute->usesSource()) {
$swatch_option_id = $swatch_attribute->getSource()->getOptionId($newSwatch);
if ($swatch_option_id != '') {
$product->setData('termin', $swatch_option_id);
array (
'use_config_manage_stock' => 0,
'manage_stock' => 1,
'is_in_stock' => 1,
'qty' => 30,
'stock_id' => 1