Typography is a wonderful part of design and art, turning simple words into stunning compositions. Some of the best typography artists know that choosing the right font and format are just as important as the design itself, whether the font is constructed only for a particular design or the font is Helvetica, whether the design is made of sand or if it is printed on a poster. The following typographical works of art include everything from architecture to digital art to sculptures. Browse through for some inspiration in your own typography and let us know which one is your favorite.
Sand Construction for Manta Beach
Worth a 1000 Words by Doaly
A Man of His Word by Staye-Close
Kasheeda 3D Font by Freedom of Creation
Tadao by Chris LaBroy
John Lennon in Type by Dencii
Love Your Body by Hershydesai
Typography Explosion by Teakster
Tolerance by Jaume Plensa
Typography Women by Rafael Zoccoler
Lost by Chris Noelle
Cim Organic by Neuarmy
Gone by g-1000
World by Julian Beever
Bite by Anna Garforth
Rethink by Anna Garforth
Edible Typography
Enjoy (nail type) by Juan Camilo Rojas
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Tara Hornor
Tara Hornor has a degree in English and writes about marketing, advertising, branding, graphic design, and desktop publishing. She works for PrintPlace.com, an online printing company that offers postcards, posters, brochure printing, postcard printing, and more printed marketing media. In addition to her writing career, Tara also enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.