What is the exact difference between Enable category and include in menu. As both do the same thing hiding the category/sub category from front end menu.
Only differenWhen i make “Enable category” off
What is the exact difference between Enable category and include in menu. As both do the same thing hiding the category/sub category from front end menu.
Only differenWhen i make “Enable category” off
I have magento 2.4.6 installed on my server and running php 8.1.18. (upgraded from 2.4.3) when I open the main page, I’m […]
For each product I want to know the local image path. I want to make a script and make my own images […]
I ran this command below in my Adobe Commerce Cloud 2.4.6 to reindex it. MAGE_INDEXER_THREADS_COUNT=$(nproc) php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento i:reindex Then I […]
I am a CSE graduate from the National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand. So this is my on-campus placement and after clearing all […]