Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Display Text only for selected attribute values

In Headless magento project, there is condition written by previous developers in javascript

if there is a value assigned for attribute : is_outlet_available , than some text should display, otherwise text should not display in product view page

            filter: { is_outlet_available: { in: [$key] }, sku: { in: [$sku] } }

I want to change as if the value of the attribute is 3 or 5 or 6 for that product, than only text should display in product view page, so i changed code as below :

filter: { is_outlet_available: { in: [3||5||6] }, sku: { in: [$sku] } } 

but still the text is displaying.

enter image description here

here is a full code : https://pastebin.com/CrS2ERW5