Domain transfer from Network Solutions to AWS Route 53

I am looking for a solution to mitigating 2 days of downtime.

I reached out to network solutions and they do not have control over the TTL of the Name Server records (which is 2 days or 172800 seconds).

Current Strategy

Planned Migration Steps :

Migrate Name server – First Migrating Nameserver to AWS.

Step 1: Create a Hosted zone in AWS Route 53.

Step 2: Add DNS Entries from Network Solution to Route 53.

Step 3: Replace Name server in Network solution form default to AWS Hosted Zone Name Server.

Step 4: Verify Name Server successful migration. After the successful migration of nameserver to AWS Route 53, any further changes to the DNS entries need to be made through Route 53.

  1. Migrate Domain – Migrate Domain to AWS:

Step 1: Unlock domain from Network Solution.

Step 2: Initiate Domain Migration Steps from Route 53

Step 3: Verify email sent from AWS for verification purposes.

Step 4: Provide Authorization Token To AWS

Step 5: Validate Domain Migration

Step 6: Enable Transfer Lock.

Please advise if there are any other recommendations to mitigating 2 days of downtime.