Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Easing when creating a timelapse using FFMPEG

I am using FFMPEG to create timelapses from multiple images – sometimes several thousand images. I want to create an effect near the end of the timelapse where it slows down a few seconds before it reaches the end. I’ve heard this referred to as “easing.” Sometimes it’s done at the start of a timelapse, sometimes at the end. Right now I am using the following to create the timelapse:

ffmpeg -y -r %framerate% -f image2 -i %08d.jpg -b:v 16384 -vcodec mpeg4 -an -s "1920x1080" out.mp4

This works as expected at the constant %framerate% – but I wonder if anyone has ever worked out the ability to specify different framerates at specific points in the output movie…

I thought about encoding separate movies (probably 3 – Normal Timelapse, Slower, slowest) and then trying to concatenate them. I’m not sure if that’s possible though.