Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Edge and Chrome suddenly stopped working

My father called me today. His Edge and Chrome stopped working since yesterday.

He showed me the Problem and Edge immediately closes itself after opening it.

Chrome shows an Error page, similar to the “No Internet Connection” error page. If you try to switch the Profile, the selection menu is an empty modal.

Trying to delete / rename the Chrome folder in %appdata% yields an error that the resource is locked even though chrome is not running in the task manager.

This suggests that something is locking this folder in a way that Chrome can’t access it anymore. Probably the whole OS can’t access the folder because it’s locked.

I uninstalled the Windows Update that has been installed one day earlier, but this doesn’t fix the issue. Re-Installing Edge also doesn’t fix the issue.

I have no idea what to do. There are no system restore points and formatting is not an option for now.

He will need to use Edge in order to access some company resources. So using Firefox is not an option.

Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?