Equation screentips in microsoft word

I am using Microsoft Word 2016. I know that you can add ScreenTips to a word document using the method on this site: https://wordribbon.tips.net/T013183_Adding_a_ScreenTip.html

But this doesn’t allow for equations. I am hoping there is a way to do this with VBA instead (however I don’t know how to use VBA very well). I want a frame that is only visible when the user hovers over another frame. Then I can put whatever content I want (such as equations) in both of the frames.

I think I found something that I might do what I want at the link https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/vba-to-add-a-screentip-to-a-macro-enabed-button.1075744/ in the answer by mikerickson:

Private Sub CommandButton1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
With ActiveSheet.Shapes(1)
    If X <= 5 Or ((CommandButton1.Width - 5) <= X) Then
        .Visible = False
    ElseIf Y <= 5 Or ((CommandButton1.Height - 5) <= Y) Then
        .Visible = False
        .Visible = True
    End If
End With
End Sub

but I don’t know how to adapt it to my particular situation. I think that I need to replace “CommandButton1” with my frame and replace “With ActiveSheet.Shapes(1)” with something else because I am using word instead of excel.