EVGA Nvidia GTX 1080 TI FTW3 First Fan RPM Past 100%

My GPU has begun acting a bit goofy after it fell on its side in the EGPU case. I don’t know what to look for in terms of wiring or if there’s anything that can be done to resolve it.

When I look at my EVGA Precision X1 control panel, I can clearly see one of my fans is at 0%, but the fan itself is blowing full blast anyway:

enter image description here

And as you can see, none of the temperatures are reading anything too crazy:

enter image description here

So it seems like while there is no intentional signal going to the fan, it just is getting current, but the detector for the fan’s speed is still accurate. Which wire/wires would I look for? Or is this something that may not be addressable with just a computer superuser, and would actually require a vendor to look into?

Any help would be appreciated, my backup plan is to sell it on Ebay indicating the problem, but that it works fine otherwise, and buy a replacement.

This is my card ( https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Gaming-GDDR5X-Technology/dp/B07QGGCR85/ref=pd_sbs_147_t_1/146-8837410-4820708?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07L1FYBRQ&pd_rd_r=edb93e6e-8f43-4e7e-89d3-7f947a39cafc&pd_rd_w=Etu7Z&pd_rd_wg=IcyKO&pf_rd_p=5cfcfe89-300f-47d2-b1ad-a4e27203a02a&pf_rd_r=P3BDSBQ7BP5HHXB2Z65Q&refRID=P3BDSBQ7BP5HHXB2Z65Q&th=1 )