on my excel worksheet the buttons at the corners and halfway up so I can increase or decrease the square ect and across the shape have disappeared what have I done and how do I rectify. ta ian
on my excel worksheet the buttons at the corners and halfway up so I can increase or decrease the square ect and across the shape have disappeared what have I done and how do I rectify. ta ian
I want two setup two different version of magento 2 on my local nginx machine, v2.4.2 and v2.3.7 mapped with two different […]
I recently come up with a software called Amped five and they did not provide language support for Persian until now (And […]
Inside the magento/module-cms/frontend/layout, I created my selectable xml file and inside of it had this code: I go to my magento admin […]
<input name=”mobile_number” id=”mobilenumber” type=”number” class=”input-text” title=”<?= $block->escapeHtml(__(‘Mobile Number’)) ?>” placeholder=”<?= $block->escapeHtml(__(‘Mobile Number’)) ?>” data-validate=”{required:true,mobile_ksa:true,maxlength:7}”> $.validator.addMethod( ‘mobile_ksa’, function (phone_number, element) { return this.optional(element) […]