Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Exception log errors (The element “order_totals” can’t have a child because “order_totals” already has a child with alias)

Trying to clean up my logs and I keep getting this error over and over in my exception logs.

[2022-12-27 20:07:39] report.CRITICAL: The element "order_totals" can't have a child because "order_totals" already has a child with alias "ltl_shipping_fee". {"exception":"[object] (Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException(code: 0): The element "order_totals" can't have a child because "order_totals" already has a child with alias "ltl_shipping_fee". at /vendor/magento/framework/Data/Structure.php:625)"} []

After greping the keywords order_totals and ltl_shipping_fee I noticed some xml files from one or more of our third party modules. Not really sure what to do to fix this though. I’m pretty stuck on this and need some help.