Exclude certain dates/time in a average range between times that include dates

I want to get wait times that ignore certain dates/times.

The functioning formula is used to calculate wait time:


I’m using the if statement to exclude 0 or blank values.
The above formula does not exempt certain dates. Lets say I want to only include wait times from 16.09.23.

How would i go about to do this? I have attempted something like this:

=SUM(IFS(D3:D12-C3:C12>0,D3:D12-C3:C12, C3:C12,">=16.09.2023",C3-C12,"<17.09.2023"))/COUNTA(D3:D12)

Which gives me a #I/T error. Any suggestions on how to correct this?

Screenshot of the Excel file:
Excel file