I was trying to capture video from a device “macrosilicon av to usb2 0 ” using ffmpeg on windows 10 then stream it via UDP using the following command :
ffmpeg -re -f dshow -i video="AV TO USB2.0" -c copy -f mpegts udp://
But i get the following errors:
[mpegts @ 000001ae44989800] Stream 0, codec rawvideo, is muxed as a private data stream and may not be recognized upon reading.
av_interleaved_write_frame(): Error number -10065 occurred
[out#0/mpegts @ 000001ae3fbf6d00] Error muxing a packet
[out#0/mpegts @ 000001ae3fbf6d00] Error writing trailer: Error number -10065 occurred
What could possibly I’m doing wrong ?
P.S: The capture device works fine on VLC.