Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

FFMPEG – Overlay failing some frames

I have 3 files. The background, an image with random shapes (which I call widgets) and the main video. The code below put the main video over this background, then the widgets over it. It’s working as expected but as you can see in the test_output.mp4 file on the given repository, some frames at beginning are ignoring the main video.

Repository with these files and command

The code:

ffmpeg -y 
-i "purple_bg.png" 
-i "IMG_0026.png" 
-ss 0:00:09.590000 
-t 0:00:09.911000 
-i "daniel_duncan.mp4" 
-filter_complex "
-r 30 
-b:a 160k 
-c:a aac 
-c:v libx264 
-s 720x1280 
-crf 21 
-preset medium 
-map [outfile] 
-map 2:a?  