Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Free Shipping for specific categories weight calculation

I am using Magento v2.3.4 and trying to create a free shipping shopping cart rule that will give free shipping for products from specific categories if the order amount is over $75.00.

The rule is working but when I add a product from a category that should not receive free shipping it is calculating the shipping cost based on the weight of all the products in the cart (including those that should be receiving free shipping) and I would like it to only charge shipping based on the weight of the products that are not from the free shipping categories.

I have the rule setup as follows

Under the conditions tab:

If ANY  of these conditions are TRUE :

    Subtotal (Excl. Tax)  equals or greater than  75.00

Under the actions tab

If ALL  of these conditions are TRUE :

    Category  is one of  82,84

Free Shipping: For Matching Items Only