Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Geany pycache configuration

I run python3 code in pyCharm and i would like to try out Geany. Using Linux Mint.

My problem is that it creates .pyc pythonC files in the directory it is working in. (I realise this could be a problem of the python version, but it uses the same version as pyCharm)

My question, is there a setting to create pycache and put the .pyc there. And if yes, how.

I tried this link https://www.geany.org/manual/current/#introduction for further information, but could not find what I was looking for.


file: ownmodule1.py:
def newFunction():

file mainfile.py:
import ownmodule1


it creates the .pyc file ownmodlue1.pyc in the same directory.


when I go into the geany Terminal and ask: which python it outputs:
just like with pycharm