Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Get attribute text field on front-end product page?

I’m looking to retrieve the value of an attribut with the ID “size_clamp” and show it on the short and long description of my product. I have tried to add the following code directly in the short description area on the back-end but no luck :

  • “This clamp has an exterior size <?php echo $_product->getAttributeText("size_clamp"); ?> for clamping on the tube”…

This gives me an error on the front end. I was hopping for the following result :

  • “This clamp has an exterior size 27mm for clamping on the tube”

Here is why i’m looking for this :

  • Avoid repetitive manual input in the text for thousand products, it’s the same clamps with different sizes. I want to have a default text with those shortcode and just paste it in both short and long description.
  • Seo reason, i was thinking to create an attribut called “seo_text” that is different per store view which would change based on the store view. This could avoid having duplicate content on google.

Thank you in advance for your help.
