Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Get custom collection before start 1 hour and before end 24 hour from current date in magento 2

How to get custom collection before start 1 hour and before end 24 hours Magento 2.
I am not able to add the correct date condition. Does anyone help me, please?

$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$oneHourBack = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 hours', strtotime($now)));
$oneDayBack = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-24 hours', strtotime($now)));

$customCollection = $this->CustomFactory->create()
    ->addFieldToFilter('is_membership', 0);
if ($dbColumn == 'MEMBERSHIP_BEFORE_START_1_HOUR') {
    $customCollection->addFieldToFilter('pan_start_date', ['neq' => 'NULL']);
    $customCollection->addFieldToFilter('pan_start_date', ['lteq' => $oneHourBack]);
} elseif ($dbColumn == 'MEMBERSHIP_BEFORE_END_24_HOUR') {
    $customCollection->addFieldToFilter('pan_end_date', ['neq' => 'NULL']);
    $customCollection->addFieldToFilter('pan_end_date', ['lteq' => $oneDayBack]);

echo $customCollection->getSelect();


Above condition what I wrong please help?