Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Google Recaptcha seems not to work on Magento 2.4.2

I tried now a lot of times on two magento2 instances to enable the google recaptcha function.

I followed these instruction:


Website is:


The Google Recaptcha symbol appears but I can put any cryptic mails i.e. in the newsletter and it goes through.

I also enabled the required php setting
allow_url_fopen = On (1)

This is the google admin console for recaptcha.
enter image description here

These are the magento2 settings
enter image description here

enter image description here

My question is how to debug this issue and am I wrong that cryptical emails could be set after enabling the recaptcha?? Has anyone the same issue?

The V2 with “I am not a robot” works but the V3 invisible in the footer of the newsletter not.

enter image description here