Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Group name and description – Powershell

I am by no means a powershell professional and could use a little guidance with something I need to accomplish.

I need to generate a csv from AD that contains the following columns:

Name, Samaccountname, Memberof, and the Member of group description. Currently I have the first 3 using the following:

Import-Csv .users.csv |
Get-ADUser -Identity $_.samaccountname -Properties *  | Select-Object -Property Name,SamAccountName, @{n='MemberOf'; e= { $_.memberof -replace '^CN=(?.*?),(?:OU|CN).*$', '${Name}' -join ', ' | Out-String}} | Sort-Object -Property Name
}| Export-Csv -Path 'C:UsersxxxxMembership.csv' -NoTypeInformation

The trouble I am having is figuring out a way to print out the group descriptions so they are in the same order as the group name. that way once they are in excel I can use VBA to get them so they arent comma separated and on their own ine in each cell

Any ideas or hints would be helpful

Will also need to take a specific group name and break it out into its own column.