Hot to create plugin for savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder method

This method is calling at checkout step but with plugin using after method it’s not calling, core method is calling.


<type name="MagentoCheckoutModelPaymentInformationManagement">
        <plugin name="k365_payemnt_management_plugin" type="K365CheckoutPluginModelPaymentInfoManagement" />


namespace K365CheckoutPluginModel;

use MagentoCheckoutModelPaymentInformationManagement;

class PaymentInfoManagement
public function afterSavePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder(
    PaymentInformationManagement $subject, $result,
    MagentoQuoteApiDataPaymentInterface $paymentMethod,
    MagentoQuoteApiDataAddressInterface $billingAddress = null
) {
            '******calllllllllllllllllllllll ' );

    $this->savePaymentInformation($cartId, $paymentMethod, $billingAddress);
    try {
        $orderId = $this->cartManagement->placeOrder($cartId);
    } catch (MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException $e) {
            '******Placing an order with quote_id ' . $cartId . ' is failed: ' . $e->getMessage()
        throw new CouldNotSaveException(
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        throw new CouldNotSaveException(
            __('*******A server error stopped your order from being placed. Please try to place your order again.'),
    return $result;

