Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How best to mount a drive in WSL as a shared drive?

I’m trying to simplify/automate my development environment in Windows, I have a lot of shell files I run on both Windows and the Linux subsystem, I’ve recently taken to editing my /etc/wsl.conf to setting

root = /

This makes my path to windows /c/… instead of /mnt/c/… which has simplified file access across many of my scripts allowing scripts to call from host to wsl or back again and allowing me to implement automation seamlessly in both environments. my problem is after every bootup of wsl I also need to run sudo mount --make-shared /c/
so that my scripts can reach across to the other system properly, I know I can use the mountFsTab but of all the things I’m pretty amateur with The Fstab file and haven’t moded one in some time, not to mention with it under wsl, and was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction to set up my /c/ mount as a shared drive so I have simple 2-way communication, and don’t waste time cause I forgot to run the make-shared command before getting to work, then being confused about my set up?
If there is also a different way than using the Fstab, but just configuring the wsl.conf that would be even better, I just didn’t find anything on Microsoft’s documentation about doing this simply. Anyway, thanks ahead of time.