Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How is the grub boot menu presented if the gpt looks for efi system partition

So,i noticed that all grub resouces(fonts,images etc.) are located in /boot/grub, which usually exists in Linux filesystem partition.Of course there is another partition,which is mounted on /boot/efi.Now i believed that gpt looks for,mounts and uses a partition that is mounted on /boot/efi(Efi system partition) since it contains the .efi files that actually boot the system.Now my question is:How can all the resources of the boot menu be loaded if the gpt points to the efi partition, and if all the resources for grub boot manager are located in a different partition?If the gpt points to efi partition shouldn’t the os be booted without any menu since this partition only contains the efi boot files?