Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to access data usage for custom range (on already existing data usage on Windows 10)?

I have data usage logged on my Windows 10 laptop at Windows Settings → Network & Internet → Data Usage.

enter image description here

What I’m trying to do is instead of getting data usage for the last 30 days, I want to get data usage for custom time range e.g. from 15-Mar to 3-April. Other important thing, I don’t want to use a solution that neglects the preexisting data usage log. I’ve tried many applications that neglects any before-installation logged data usage.

Something like this is possible on Android by application called Glasswire which reads and calculates data usage based on already preexisting data usage log provided by Android system.

I’ve tried the Windows version of Glasswire, unfortunately it seems to be depending on monitoring the network activity from the time Glasswire was installed (like many apps I have tried) and any previous data usage isn’t added to calculations, unlike its android version which reads the preexisting data usage log.

My question is different from this one — Monitor data usage on Windows? — which asks about anyway of monitoring total amount of data usage specifying the date and preexisting data usage.