How to close a specific program from the system tray Using AHK?

I have a specific program that is running in the system tray icon (“ahk_exe QTranslate.exe”), I want it to be closed automatically from the system tray icon if it is running whenever I open another specific program (“ahk_exe phpstorm64.exe”).

I’ve tried this, But this closes only the window of (“QTranslate”) If it is exist, But The program still running in the system tray :

    WinWaitActive, ahk_exe phpstorm64.exe
    if WinExist("ahk_exe QTranslate.exe")
        WinKill, ahk_exe QTranslate.exe
  • Is there any script to close the specified program from the system?

  • Note I use : AutoHotkey V1.1.36.02

  • Please help! I appreciate your time and effort. Thanks in advance.