Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to Create SFTP User with Specified Directory Permissions?

I have done the following tutorial: https://linuxways.net/ubuntu/how-to-create-sftp-user-with-specified-directory-permissions-in-ubuntu-20-04/

Creating new Sftp User:

# useradd -m -d /home/example.com sftp_user

# passwd sftp_user

Setup Directory Permissions:

# chmod 755 /home/example.com/

# chown root:root /home/example.com

Restrict Directory Access:

# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Match User sftp_user

ChrootDirectory %h

AllowTCPForwarding no

X11Forwarding no

PasswordAuthentication yes

ForceCommand internal-sftp

Now my problem is the user don’t see his own home folder (/home/example.com). If I change the permissions for this folder to sftp_user, than I get a disconnection error if I try to login. What do I need to change?