Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to disable Windows 10 Pro Edition searching the web when typing in the start menu [duplicate]

I want to disable that windows 10 pro gives me web search results when typing something into the start menu bar:
this thing here

but i could not figure out how to do that. The only working method i knew and could find online was opening the Registry-Editor,

enter image description here

pasting ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsExplorer into the bar, then creating a new DWORD named DisableSearchBoxSuggestions and set it to 1. But now windows won’t let me do this anymore:
enter image description here
as you can see, i can’t click it. (I did run the registry editor as Admin)

Is there any working method to disable the windows search bar giving you internet search results?

Thanks in advance 🙂