Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to download videos of a youtube playlist with subtitles?

I was trying to download a list of videos from youtube including english subtitles. I used the following command

yt-dlp -f 'bv*[height=720]+ba' --write-subs https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL3gtZ9HNlGiRROYZ-xv6170CX5MfHzwvX -o '%(channel)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s'

to download and combine the video, subtitles and original audio on one file each.

But it seems that command downloads the subtitles in some vtt file I never used before.

Is it possible to use a yt-dlp command to hardcode the subtitles directly into the video? Or maybe I can download the subtitles as srt which I know to use (I need to run ffmpeg again over each file to hardcode th subtitles…)