Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to enter Japanese-encoded password when extracting from zip file?

Zip file here: https://sp.seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4274119

It contains another zip file, Taboo.zip. The password is “ジークハイル”, but with Japanese encoding.

$ unzip -P "$(echo ジークハイル|iconv -f utf8 -t cp932)" 'Taboo.zip'
Archive:  Taboo.zip
  inflating: Taboo/gz1x.bmp          
  error:  invalid compressed data to inflate
$ unzip -P wrong-password 'Taboo.zip'
Archive:  Taboo.zip
   skipping: Taboo/gz1x.bmp          incorrect password

The password is correct, but there is another error, likely this one: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50129033

In other cases with this error, I’ve found that either file-roller or the right-click Extract option from Nautilus or Nemo was able to extract these files; I think in those cases the error came from having a file with 0 size in the zip file, with unzip handling everything up to that point.

I just don’t see a way to use a non-Unicode password with these other programs. This puts the bit sequence into clipboard:

 echo ジークハイル|iconv -f utf8 -t cp932|xclip -i -selection clipboard

But can’t paste this into GUI password prompt (also can’t paste it into unzip’s command-line prompt using gnome-terminal and bash). Can verify that it was correctly stored:

$ xclip -o -selection clipboard

It’s just that ctrl-V (or shift-ctrl-V, with terminal) to paste doesn’t work.

I also tried setting environment variable, ‘LANG=ja_JP.UTF8 file-roller Taboo.zip’, but I think it still uses some type of Unicode internally including for the password prompt, because entering ‘ジークハイル’ at the prompt still doesn’t work.

So, is there a program that lets you enter the password as a command-line option and, unlike unzip, lets you ignore errors in the zip file?