Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to full-text search exported emails and display the hits in email-reader format, with to, from, subject-line, cc, etc? [closed]

I was required to abandon an email reader I liked and start using Outlook.com and I didn’t trust the company to save all of my archived emails; so I exported them all going back more than 5 years, since I have often to find old emails. Now I need to search through them to find something. The email reader I abandoned cannot import mail unless you create an account, and when you do that, it goes out to the server and tries to authenticate etc etc.

Is there a category of file search utility that knows how to full-text index .eml files and display search-hits like an email-reader would, with to, from, cc, bcc, subject, body, etc but is not itself an email client?